What's Your Type? Featuring Jonny
In this episode of the Awareness to Action Enneagram podcast, Mario Sikora conducts a typing interview with Jonny, a certified life coach. Jonny attended ATA’s certification program and had questions about his type, so Mario asks him specific questions to form a preliminary hypothesis. Next week, Seth “Creek” Creekmore will join these two as they unpack this conversation from December.
[00:01] Intro
[01:36] What Mario looks for in defining type
[05:41] Jonny’s work in higher ed
[09:33] Growing up on a farm
[13:48] Being a people pleaser
[18:22] Does this person want to be helped, heard or hugged?
[22:08] Instinctual biases and being mistyped as a Four
[26:27] Mario’s preliminary hypothesis
[31:30] What he’s not perceiving from Jonny
[33:39] Navigating vs transmitting
[37:44] In the limelight
[41:53] Why this Enneagram type
[49:19] Jonny’s predictions and other thoughts
[1:02:32] Outro
Connect with us:
IG: @ataenneagrampod
Email: info@awarenesstoaction.com
Send a voice message: speakpipe.com/AwarenesstoAction
Mario Sikora:
IG: @mariosikora
TikTok: @mariosikora
Web: mariosikora.com
Pod: Enneagram in a Movie
Substack: mariosikora.substack.com
Maria Jose Munita:
IG: @mjmunita
Web: mjmunita.com
Seth "Creek" Creekmore:
IG: @_creekmore
Pod: Fathoms | An Enneagram Podcast
Pod: Delusional Optimism