What's Your Type? Featuring Jonny (Part 2)
In this episode of the Awareness to Action Enneagram podcast, Jonny returns to reflect on the typing interview he did with Mario Sikora featured last week. As they continue to explore Mario’s preliminary hypothesis, Jonny shares what resonated with him. Seth “Creek” Creekmore also brings to the conversation his insight about Jonny and the Enneagram as well as asks questions.
[00:01] Intro
[01:39] Jonny’s initial reflections
[07:21] Resonating with Type Two
[11:16] Creek’s observations
[17:26] Jonny’s emotionality and demeanor
[26:40] Could he be a Type Nine?
[34:26] Behind Mario’s typing approach
[38:19] Subpoints of Transmitting Nine
[43:58] Unpacking Transmitting Nine
[53:43] Outro
Connect with us:
IG: @ataenneagrampod
Email: info@awarenesstoaction.com
Send a voice message: speakpipe.com/AwarenesstoAction
Mario Sikora:
IG: @mariosikora
TikTok: @mariosikora
Web: mariosikora.com
Pod: Enneagram in a Movie
Substack: mariosikora.substack.com
Maria Jose Munita:
IG: @mjmunita
Web: mjmunita.com
Seth "Creek" Creekmore:
IG: @_creekmore
Pod: Fathoms | An Enneagram Podcast
Pod: Delusional Optimism