Wings: Why We Don't Teach Them
In this episode of the Awareness to Action Enneagram podcast, Mario Sikora, María José Munita and Seth "Creek" Creekmore talk about the commonly used things they don’t teach in the Enneagram, including the ideas of the wings, centers and triads. They start this series with the wings, which are two passions on either side of the Enneagram Type on the diagram that are folded in like wings to create another passion. The three hosts discuss why they don’t teach it and instead focus on instinctual biases and subtypes.
“And this is the key: When we say we don’t teach things, it’s not because we necessarily think they’re wrong. Because we know that we’re wrong too. But we don’t teach them because the amount of complexity and the amount of distraction they add is not overweight by the benefit that they bring. They create more confusion than clarity in our view, so we don’t teach them.” -Mario [17:27]
“In my mind, the Enneagram is just a drawing that it’s trying to portray the dynamics of personality, like different specifications and the dynamics between each point, but it’s a drawing. It’s like when you’re trying to create a mental map of an idea that you have. You just draw something, connect with arrows and things like that. It doesn’t mean that that drawing exists out there. It means that that’s your way to show how you see it working, but it’s your way to describe it. -María José [21:18]
“Now that doesn’t mean that people can’t try things out, can’t push on the system or add things to the system. But if you believe in your idea enough, then you’re going to be patient before you start presenting it.” -Creek [28:42]
[00:01] Intro
[01:34] An Enneagram history lesson
[06:34] Passions, not fixations
[09:29] Teaching Enneagram in 10 sessions
[12:39] Different theories on wings
[18:00] These are redundancies
[24:41] The Barnum effect
[29:29] It doesn’t cover the whole spectrum
[32:58] Outro
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IG: @ataenneagrampod
Mario Sikora:
IG: @mariosikora
TikTok: @mariosikora
Pod: Enneagram in a Movie
Maria Jose Munita:
IG: @mjmunita
Seth "Creek" Creekmore:
IG: @_creekmore
Pod: Fathoms | An Enneagram Podcast
Pod: Delusional Optimism