Type 1 - The Vice, Virtue & Fixation
In this episode of the Awareness to Action Enneagram podcast, Mario Sikora, María José Munita and Seth "Creek" Creekmore return to their series about the vices, virtues and fixations for each type. This week, they discuss Type One and its vice of anger.
[00:01] Intro
[01:08] A quick recap
[04:28] Why are you so angry?
[10:31] Comparing angers
[15:55] Wrath and anger are different
[21:05] Fixation closely tied to the passion
[30:49] Calibrating and communicating expectations
[34:34] Virtue: How do we fix all this?
[45:12] Practices and cues to temper the vice and fixation
[49:31] MJ’s final remarks
[51:29] Outro
Connect with us:
IG: @ataenneagrampod
Mario Sikora:
IG: @mariosikora
TikTok: @mariosikora
Web: mariosikora.com
Pod: Enneagram in a Movie
Substack: mariosikora.substack.com
Maria Jose Munita:
IG: @mjmunita
Web: mjmunita.com
Seth "Creek" Creekmore:
IG: @_creekmore
Pod: Fathoms | An Enneagram Podcast
Pod: Delusional Optimism